Zero-Infinity Flight Path


Zero-Infinity Flight Path begins at the end of a journey to the top of a mysterious mountain. A girl, her mother, and a guide must climb to enact a sacrifice for the salvation of those at the base. But the closer the girl gets to completing her journey, the more she begins to question its validity, causing the entire party to contend with crises of doubt and questions of free will. ZERO-INFINITY FLIGHT PATH digs into the paradoxes of Systems and Institutions, and the moments when it is critical to listen to the small individual inner voice of truth. It seeks to highlight the dangerous compromises we make daily - do we listen to a dogmatic group or listen to ourselves? Do we follow orders or our instincts?


  • Bay Area Playwrights Festival semi-finalist

  • Eugene O'Neill New Playwrights Conference semi-finalist

Photographed by Augsburg College